Tuesday, April 30, 2013

All for a Dream: The 'Chimeric' Love

As soon as Gustav finished the poem, Cassandra hugged him tightly, as if she would never leave him now. Having Cassandra with him, Gustav tightened the hug and euphoniously whispered in her ears,   "You must be knowing about the Beauty of the Quasar, well, for me, your Beauty is like Infinite Quasar. Your Beauty just like Gravity is Profound, always binding my soul with the strong hypothetical Quark bonds to your soul." Cassandra was in her dreams of Scientific language of love in which Gustav was amazing, she didn't want him to stop even though he used science. She was ecstatic, because Gustav loved every part of her soul more than she loved herself. She couldn't resist and her brain charmingly ordering her lips to emit these alluring words instinctively, "you know, you are such a goofball, Love is a game that two can play and both win". Well, even this wasn't enough to stop Gustav.
His eyes were as Luminous as the Stars in the sky, his strong arms were in her arms and his face, beaming with joy and love, was next to Cassandra's Beautiful neck behind which she had a beauty spot. Gustav fumblingly started again with his melodic voice, "the nectar from the flower or even the sugar in the jar, their sweetness level from You is still so far. I always want to hold your tender hands with which you amazingly fix your hair's each strand, and just like in an Ocean there is a Sea in it, wherever my eyes be, You are the one they always want to see in it. You know anything about your smile? It orders my brain to allow my heart to accelerate it's speed. I and every part of my body fall for it every time you smile. It is the best make-up you wear, it is out of this Universe, even the Rainbow envies your smile and hence its shape in the sky is always like a sad smile". Gustav saw Cassandra's eyes, she had tears circumnavigating her eyes, he wanted her to smile, because he though sadder than the smile is the sadness of not knowing how to smile! Although Cassandra's not even microscopic part was sad. Gustav pulled her close holding her shoulders he said,"your eyes are glittering, even Refraction, Reflection and Scattering of light fell for you". Cassandra's lips expanded in the direction of the X-axis with a slight curve which resulted in a huge smile and Gustav's heart, of course, entraining with her smile.
Gustav was never this happy before, with Cassandra in her arms, he felt more strong, confident and fostered by energy. Just like stars have no numbers and no rest to the sea, love has no uttermost. With the sun setting or rather in Gustav's mind, the Earth rotating, they could see the first evening star in the bluish sky which was certain to bring more self luminous stars with it. Cassandra was still in his arms, with Gustav loving each and every moment of embracing Cassandra.
Gustav didn't want to stop, his mind had only one point of convergence and it was Cassandra. He started again in his tone which Cassandra obviously admired,"I can listen to you all day and night and even gaze your face, it is the uttermost work of God's grace. The poly-chromatic rays make you look even more Radiant and it stimulates the fall of my temperature gradient." Gustav had no idea how his mind think of the rhyming lines, but Cassandra's sight was so magical that his heart would pipette out all his grace. Gustav's mind was like a wheel always moving and active. The two lovebirds were in each other's quintessence alchemy, even their silhouette looked Beautiful like a Neon light in the Yellow light of lamp.
Gaping at the Stars Cassandra spoke in her Beautiful voice," I'd always love to be a star, they shine and twinkle, on their own!" Gustav winked his eyes with an adorable smile and replied Cassandra lovingly,"don't you worry love, you are my star. I can keep looking into your eyes until I take my last breath with you..." Cassandra quickly put his beautiful and soft fingers on Gustav's lips and said," don't you ever say that again, ever!" It left Gustav with a never-ending smile on his face. They both had the Aura such that each enhancing the other.
Just like the Magnetic Effect, Cassandra was attracted into Gustav's arms again and they both stood there just like a shadow in the Moonlight....

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